Diploma in Coaching Supervision

September 2024 – July 2025

The purpose of this programme is to train, qualify and accredit coach supervisors.


The course has been developed for experienced coaches, operating at the level of Senior Practitioner (with EMCC Global or AC), PCC (with ICF), Level 7 (with ILM) or any other equivalent accreditation status.


Successful completion of the programme includes meeting all the EMCC Global training requirements for individual accreditation as a supervisor.

If they have accumulated sufficient practice hours (120), graduates will obtain the internationally recognised ESIA supervisor accreditation with EMCC Global.

The course fee includes the cost of accreditation.


We apply an experiential learning approach combining taught input, reflection and dialogue, practice in a safe environment, detailed feedback, and experimentation with live clients.

Course Overview

Course Timings

We have designed this programme to align well with the life of a busy professional. Training sessions are short and well-spaced over 12 months. We have chosen dates to avoid school holidays.

Course Components

The programme is focused around 20 live, virtual training modules.

In addition to their ongoing practice, participants will maintain a learning journal, attend four facilitated reflective learning group sessions, submit and receive feedback on two recorded supervision sessions, participate in the online group discussion, write a 2000-word essay, review the essays of their learning group members, and carry out a final self-assessment exercise.

Learners will also begin and end the course with a 1:1 tutorial with course faculty.

The Course at a Glance

Supervision is safe space for reflective dialogue with a practicing supervisor, supporting the supervisee’s practice, development, and well-being.



Learners will discover the basics of supervision. Learning groups will be established and will meet for the first time. Individuals will also pair up with each other to form practice supervision pairs and will start supervising each other in their own time. Reflective Journals will start and learners will contribute to the online community discussion forum.

Programme Introduction

Overview. What to expect. Introductions. Course contract. Learning Platform.

Supervision Competences and Capacities

Defining Supervision. Working with the Supervision Competence Framework.


Working with The 7-Eyed Model

Demonstration. Applying the 7-Eyed supervision model. Introduction to Parallel Process.

The Supervision Alliance: Contracting

Establishing a working alliance between supervisor and supervisee.



This module contains three sessions and a recorded supervision exercise. We introduce Proctor’s three functions of supervision: Normative, Formative and Restorative. The intention is to establish and embed essential supervision skills by the end of the first term, so that learners are set up for success.

Normative: Reflective Practice

We explore what it means to be an effective reflective (and reflexive) practitioner.

Formative: Developmental Interventions

How the supervisor supports the supervisee to improve their competence as a coach.

Restorative: Resourcing Interventions

How the supervisor supports the supervisee to resource themselves, remaining fit to practice.

Recorded Session

During Module 2, learners will record one of their supervision sessions.

Learners will provide feedback to each other on their recorded sessions.

Written feedback will be provided by a member of faculty.

Learners will collect feedback and use this to inform their ongoing learning objectives .

2000 Word Assignment

At the end of this module we introduce the 2000 word essay. This is a reflective exercise in which learners consider their supervision journey so far and consolidate their thoughts.

Social learning is an important aspect of this course. Learners will meet informally, in small groups to present and discuss their work.



Having established basic supervision skills, we take a deeper dive into the psychological dimension of our work as supervisors. Our practice is rooted in the ‘relational approach’, drawing on psychodynamic theory and humanism. These sessions introduce essential knowledge for competent practitioners of supervision, and provide opportunities to apply it.

Parallel Process

Noticing, understanding and working explicitly with ‘parallel ‘process’.

Psychodynamic Approach

Defence mechanisms, transference, counter- transference, projection, projective identification.

The Relational Lens

Understanding Social Constructionism and a narrative interpretation of the self.



We dedicate an entire module to the practice of supervising groups. This is a more sophisticated and complex practice requiring skills that go beyond supervision.We provide opportunities for learners to explore a role that combines pure supervision, facilitation of group dynamics, managing a process, and harnessing the collective intelligence of the members of the group.

Groups: Practicalities

Creating the container and holding the space for groups of supervisees.

Groups: Interpersonal Dynamics

Managing complex group dynamics and ensuring all group members benefit equally.

Groups: Practice and Feedback

Taking risks, listening, valuing different perspectives, having real conversations.

Progress Update

Since Session 1, learners have accumulated at least twenty hours of 1:1 supervision experience and are developing their personal style.

They have completed two facilitated reflective learning group meetings, provided feedback to each other on a recorded supervision session and are working on their 2000 word consolidation essays.

Learners have also submitted 10 reflective journal entries and participated in the online discussion forum.



At this stage in the programme, learners are encouraged to experiment and stretch the boundaries of their practice as supervisors. We introduce creative approaches to supervision and invite learners to identify ways of working that are authentic and unique to them. They may discuss this in their third reflective learning group, which takes place now.

Creative Approaches to Supervision 1

An enquiry into freedom, stuckness, spontaneity and not-knowing. Working ‘live’.

Creative Approaches to Supervision 2

Practicing and experimenting with working in a creative way. Working ‘live’.

Introduction: Your Supervision Model?

Developing an individualised model of supervision and applying it authentically.

If you wish to do so, you may choose to close down your practice supervision relationships after session sixteen. Or, you may decide to continue working together on a professional basis.

The programme does not require you to continue your 1:1 practice experience beyond this point, unless you need to log additional supervision hours.



During the final module learners will be preparing for graduation and their future practice as qualified supervisors. Learners will start collecting feedback from their supervisees and complete a process of personal self-assessment against the learning outcomes, with reference to the EMCC Supervision Competence Framework.

Learners will also complete their fourth and final reflective learning group session during this period.


Ethical Dilemmas in Supervision

Exploring ethical dilemmas and developing ethical maturity as practitioners. Practical Exercise.

Maintaining a Professional Practice

Best practice for CPD, supervision, reflective practice, ethics, record keeping and more.

Presentation of Personal Supervision Model

Learners will share their personal supervision models with other cohort members.


Sharing overall learning and personal outcomes from 12-month journey.

Recorded Session 2

During Module 6, learners will record another supervision session.

This will be reviewed by faculty and will play a part in the overall assessment of candidates, resulting in their graduation from the programme, and accreditation with EMCC Global.

The Bigger Picture



Assessment is not based on a pass or fail approach. Our method is to support learners to develop, at their own pace and in their own way to achieve a successful outcome.


It is essential that learners attend a minimum of 80% of all sessions (taught modules and learning group sessions). If sessions are missed, these need to be made up for by listening to the recording of the session and carrying out a small amount of additional homework.

Total Qualification Time:

We estimate that this programme will take a minimum of 150 hours of learner time. Individuals may choose to spend longer than this, exploring areas of interest, or collecting additional practice hours.

Total Qualification Time:

20 x 2.5hr Zoom Modules50 hours
1:1 Supervision Practice40 hours
Groups Supervision Practice10 hours
Homework50 hours
Total (maximum estimate)150 hours

Accreditation Criteria

1. Successful completion o f the programme
2. Membership of EMCC Global (150 Euros/year)
3. Minimum of 120 supervision practice hours
4. Minimum of 10 Supervisees

EMCC Global Supervision Accreditation


We use world-class online learning platform which acts as a secure base for all the work that we do over the 12-month period.

All the handouts contained within the programme will be available here, along with homework assignments and space for community discussion.
The platform acts as a container for the learning journey undertaken by participants.

Each module gets unlocked at the right time, and all learner requirements are made clear and visible.

Progress is indicated visually, and overdue tasks are highlighted.

Each module has a Community Discussion area where participants will share resources and reflections. Sessions are also followed up with a mini quiz.

The reflective journal activity is an important part of the process: during the second half of the programme, we encourage social learning by partnering participants with each other to review each other’s reflections.

Accreditation supports and regulates an individual’s ongoing professional practice and provides a focus for their ongoing development.

Meet the Team

Faculty is made up of seven highly experienced coaches, supervisors and educators in this field. The team is led by Tom Battye.

Tom Battye

Tom Battye

Tom began supervising in 2007 and has maintained an active supervision portfolio since that time, working with internal coaches, professional services firms and independent consultants.

Internal Coaches

Tom has delivered coaching supervision inside a range of organisations including the BBC, the Dept for Business and Skills, Schlumberger, the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office and Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.

Professional Services

Various leadership development organisations have commissioned Tom to supervise their full-time consultants. These have included Lane4, Mission Performance, RogenSi and Impact International.

Independent Practitioners

Tom also works with independent coaches and consultants supporting them to reflect on their practice, deliver their best work and keep developing as professionals.

Approach to Supervision

Tom’s focus as a supervisor covers

  • Developing personal and professional coaching capability
  • Ensuring professional standards are achieved consistently 
  • Increasing the coach’s systemic awareness
  • Supporting practitioner wellbeing
  • Exploring and working with ethical dilemmas
  • Developing a coaching practice or business
  • Becoming a more effective reflective practitioner
Lisa Young

Lisa Young

Lisa is the programme administrator and will take responsibility for the day-to-day, logistics of the course. Lisa has over 25 years’ experience in PA and administration roles in various companies and extensively in the Learning & Development sector.

Next steps

Talk to Tom

If you would like to find out more, please book a 1:1 with Tom using the scheduler below.

Apply to take part

Alternatively, you may apply to join the programme using the Application Form.

I hold a senior level of coach accreditation, e.g. EMCC Global or Association for Coaching Senior Practitioner, International Coach Federation (ICF) Professional Certified Coach (PCC), or equivalent.