Blog (Thoughts about Leadership)

Confusing Signpost pointing to this way, that way and the other way

The Temptation to Advise

Recently, a client asked me to run a workshop on advice-giving in coaching. Here is what I said.

Photo of diverse team all giving thumbs up

What is Happiness?

Here is a snapshot of my talk on ‘happiness’ to Executive MBA students at Cass Business School

Photo of a Train in hazy sunshine

Building Trust

Is it possible to build trust with absolutely anyone? How far would you go to find out?

Hiker tying her shoe in the mountains, outdoor photography.

Are You Ready to Lead?

When is a leader off-duty? Are there any times when you can let go of the responsibility of leading?

Photo of meteor streaking across dark sky

What Motivates Us?

What is the difference between motivation and self-esteem and how do we nurture both?